sharing my passion for faith, family, food and adventure

My name is Raeanne. I’m a wife and a mother of 3 great kids. My mom is my best friend and my childhood backyard is my favorite place on earth (next to Paris!). I’m a California girl who loves to travel and hunt for great restaurants! I have a passion for Jesus and come alive when I have a mic in my hand, sharing about His truths and love for the world. I started blogging in 2010 and found a new love of writing. I hope you are encouraged, challenged and inspired through this space.
My Story
In 2004 I pledged my life to a man I saw for the first time 9 years prior and thought, “one day I will marry that man!” When I first saw him, I didn’t even know his name, but I knew I’d marry him (we have a pretty interesting love story)! We settled down in Southern California and it wasn’t long before we were blessed with twin baby girls! Life took a major turn as we doubled over night when those tiny babies were born. 3 years later they were joined by a brother and our family of 5 enjoyed life in So Cal for about 13 years.
In 2019 we sold our home in Southern California, my husband retired from his career in law enforcement and we got rid of most of our possessions and moved to West Africa to serve with Mercy Ships. My husband served as a Chaplain and I worked in the Communications Department as well as Chaplaincy. We were living our dream of serving God with a multi-ethnic community overseas. We desired to stretch our children’s world view and allow them to grow as followers of Jesus by giving them opportunities to serve poor people in a developing country.
The pandemic caused us to return to California, cutting our time abroad short and we spent a year grieving, waiting and grieving some more. Our calling and our grand plan for adventure as a family came to an abrupt end. My husband and I still hope to return overseas one day, but for now we are settling back down in California to be closer to our families and let our children finish their education in the U.S.
Currently my husband and I are working for Mercy Ships in The States and are thrilled to continue to be an active part of that incredible, international family.