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Aliou * Patient Highlight

Raeanne Newquist

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

Meet Aliou!

When he was 3 years old, his blanket caught fire, severely burning him. If this happened to one of my children, I would have called 911 and received immediate attention for my child. Most likely surgery would be required and a hospital stay that our insurance would cover.

Aliou and his family were not afforded these privileges and he was left with a burn contracture on his right arm that he could no longer fully extend. Now 5 years old, Aliou was no longer attending school and his family was looking for a miracle.

Aliou's Grandmother brought him to The Africa Mercy where one of the specialties of the ship is plastic surgery for burn contractures!

Aliou received free surgery and when he was ready, he started rehab.

It wasn't long before he was out and about, exercising his arm with greater extension.

Last month I wrote a post titled, "All That We Have," where I talked about our Communications Team visiting the home of a patient who was now healed, recovered, and back home. At that visit, the grateful family showered our team with many gifts of peanuts, grains, dried hybiscus flowers, watermleon, squash and more.

Aliou's family was that grateful family.

Praise God for a little boy's life that was changed through the ministry that we are blessed to be a part of!

The second round of plastic surgeries on the ship have begun! For the next 8 weeks many lives will be changed. Please pray for our patients, the doctors and nurses that will care for them. May there be no infections, successful skin grafts, quick healing and hope restored while the love of Jesus is shared!

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