‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the boat, not a patient was stirring and we all kept afloat. All snug in our beds where we’ve traveled so far, packed up and left Cali for a stint in Dakar. Who would have thought we’d live on a ship, travel from Las Palmas to Africa to the most western tip!
The kids attend school at the Academy on board, they’ve made some new friends from their class and the ward. Just three decks above the hospital is where we call home, with lots of new freedom all over the kids roam. Mack’s in a class of all boys in grade five, God knew he’d need buddies so on this adventure he’d thrive. The waves in Dakar are great fun to surf, Mack loves getting out there and claiming his turf. The girls love the youth group and go every week, they sing acapella and have been on a performance streak! Georgia loves the patients and plays with them all, perhaps a nurse or doctor will be her high call. Emma’s our encourager and is quick to give a card, some of her dear friends have left and that makes things here hard. It seems every week there is a tough goodbye, but with new friends all over the world, to visit them we’ll fly! Raeanne likes to explore the markets in Dakar, she uses her French which has gotten her far! Roger has had the most experiences of us all, from patient screening to preaching to midnight EMT calls! He’s a man of many talents who is getting to serve, he loves being more with his family on this big career curve.
Our God has surprised us with this adventure all new, just like His great surprise of a baby born for you. His love for the world could not be contained, so He sent Jesus to meet us so freedom we gained. Freedom from a life that is bound by our sin, or failures or hardships or trauma within. Jesus was born to take all this away, he replaces it with joy and new mercies each day. If you say yes to Jesus your life will always be new, one grand adventure and His presence always with you.
We’ve been so very blessed by God’s presence and provision too, we’ve also been blessed by the prayers and support of each one of you! We’re grateful to know that we’re not here alone, we always welcome visitors if you’re willing to roam!
Now the African sun is setting and isn’t so bright, so Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Love, The Newquists * Dakar, Senegal * 2019
Here's a little video to let you see what the Christmas season on the ship has been like!!
Loved your Christmas poem and video; bless you guys, we miss you but love partnering from afar. We had Ludwig Christmas on our construction site (see photo) maybe next year a house.😎