Morning sunrise in Cabo.
Sitting on the beach I have a silly idea that this is what my life is going to like for the next 2 years living on the ocean! I'll get to sit on the beach each day and watch the sun rise or set... But I have a funny feeling that I'm totally wrong! Who knows what I'm in for!
I want to feel deep in my gut, especially at 2am, that God is in all of it 100%, and that beyond a shadow of a doubt I'm going to be ok. I hate my lack of faith down deep. Yet I think I see God confirming, affirming, leading, present... but why do I wake up with a pit in my stomach every morning?
Perhaps it's so I won't miss this.
This incredible sunrise I'm watching right now. This sunrise that faithfully comes up every morning no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!
It's easy to miss. It's easy to stay inside worried, busy, and miss all the faithfulness, the beauty, the reassurance, the promise that is right outside the door.
If I didn't wake up with a pit in my stomach each morning, I wouldn't wake up desperately crying out for God. Asking for help, asking for His presence, asking for reassurance that we are doing the right thing and we're going to get it all done and everything is going to be ok.
It's the pit that prompts me to pray. The pit drives me to seek. And when I do, without fail, ALWAYS, EVERY TIME, He shows up. Just like the faithfulness of the sunrise.
So, I'm thankful for the pit.
*this post was written a month ago when Roger and I got to get away with some of his friends to celebrate his retirement